Änderung 1: Einbinden der CIS-Klassen
Änderung 2: Einfügen eines neuen Menüpunkts „CIS”
Änderung 3: Aktion, die beim Aufruf des Menüpunkts ausgeführt wird

 * LAPIS lightweight structured text processing system
 * Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Carnegie Mellon University
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, version 2.
 * LAPIS homepage:
package lapis.swing;

import lapis.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.undo.*;
import rcm.awt.Constrain;
import rcm.awt.PopupDialog;
import rcm.swing.*;
import rcm.progress.*;
import rcm.util.Str;
import rcm.util.Thr;
import rcm.util.Debug;
import lapis.Parser;

// MED: Klasse hinzugefügt:
import lapis.cis.*;

public class Browser extends JFrame implements Tool {

    //////////////////// Constants

     * Number of Documents stored in browser history.  Note that the
     * browser history stores not only the URL but the content and named
     * region sets too, so this may occupy significant memory.
    public static final int MAX_DOCUMENT_HISTORY = 100;

     * Number of patterns stored in pattern history.  Patterns are stored
     * simply as strings.
    public static final int MAX_PATTERN_HISTORY = 100;

     * Priority of background thread (for evaluating commands, downloading
     * URLs, and parsing). Ranges from 1 to 10.
    public static final int BACKGROUND_PRIORITY = 4;

//     /**
//      * Proportion of browser pane devoted to displaying standard output
//      * when a program's stdout and stderr must be shown. Ranges from 0 to 1.
//      */
//     public static final double STDOUT_PROPORTION = 0.5;

     * Background color of active browser pane.
    public static final Color ACTIVE_PANE_COLOR =;

    //////////////////// Browser UI

    JMenuBar menubar;
    JToolBar toolbar;
    JMenu toolMenu;

    JComboBox location;         // Document location (URL or filename) + document history
    JComboBox view;             // Content type (text, HTML, Java, etc.)
    TCEditor pattern;           // TC pattern to highlight
    UndoManager undoPattern;    // undo manager for pattern 
    LabelTree tree;             // Labeling tree
    JLabel patternMatchCount;   // displays # of matches

    BrowserPane outputPane;    // Text/HTML display
    BrowserPane errorPane;      // Standard error display
    JLabel outputLabel;
    JLabel errorLabel;

    JScrollPane browserScrollPane, errorScrollPane;
    JScrollPane patternScrollPane, treeScrollPane;

    // Panels containing outputPane, errorPane, pattern, and tree.
    JPanel outputPanel;
    JPanel errorPanel;
    JPanel patternPanel;
    JPanel treePanel;

    // Splitters tiling the browser window with outputPanel,
    // errorPanel, and treePanel.
    JSplitPane errorSplitter; // splitter containing outputPane and errorPane
    JSplitPane treeSplitter;    // splitter containing pattern and tree
    JSplitPane midSplitter;    // splitter containing errorSplitter and treeSplitter

    SwingProgressBar progressBar;   // Progress bar
    JLabel statusBar;           // Status bar
    JButton feedbackButton;     // Feedback button

    TCFileEditor tcEditor;          // Pattern editor (null until requested by user)
    TCLFileEditor tclEditor;          // Script editor (null until requested by user)

    lapis.trees.RegionSetDisplay regionSetDisplay;
                                // Debugging window (==null until requested by user)

    //////////////////// Browser state

    BrowserPane activePane;   // either outputPane or errorPane, whichever
                                // has been given focus by user

    SwingDocument.Factory factory;  // DocumentFactory (includes Tcl interpreter state)

    //////////////////// Highlighted search result

    RegionSet highlightedRegions; // Currently highlighted region set, or null if none
    RegionSet highlightedFlatRegions;    // Flat version of highlightedRegions, or null if none
    String highlightedPattern;    // TC pattern of highlighted region set, or null if none
    String highlightedName;       // Label of highlighted region set, or null if not a simple named region set

    boolean isSearching = false;    // true if Next Match has been invoked
                                    // on the current highlighted region set

    int shiftDragMark = -1; // the anchor for the current mouse selection
    Region clickedRegion = null; // the region right-clicked on
    //////////////////// Constructors

    public Browser () {
        super ("Lapis");

        // Set look-and-feel
        // Windows: ""
        // Motif: ""
        // Default: null
        String lookAndFeel = Main.config.getProperty ("look-and-feel");
        if (lookAndFeel != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) { 

        //System.err.println ("Creating Browser");

        // Handle window-close operation
        setDefaultCloseOperation (DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
        addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () {
            public void windowClosed (WindowEvent evt) {
                saveConfiguration ();
                lapis.Main.browserDisposed ();

        Layout mainLayout = Layout.vertical ((JComponent)getContentPane ());

        // Create the menubar
        menubar = new JMenuBar ();
        JMenuItem item;

        JMenu fileMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&File");
        fileMenu.add (newBrowserAction);
        fileMenu.add (openAction);
        fileMenu.add (saveAction);
        fileMenu.add (closeAction);
        fileMenu.add (exitAction);
        menubar.add (fileMenu);

        JMenu editMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Edit");
        editMenu.add (undoAction);
        editMenu.add (cutAction);
        editMenu.add (copyAction);
        editMenu.add (pasteAction);
        editMenu.add (selectAllAction);
        editMenu.addSeparator ();
        editMenu.add (nextMatchAction);
        //editMenu.add (previousMatchAction);
        menubar.add (editMenu);

        JMenu goMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Go");
        goMenu.add (backAction);
        goMenu.add (forwardAction);
        goMenu.add (reloadAction);
        goMenu.add (stopAction);
        menubar.add (goMenu);

        JMenu parserMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Patterns");
        parserMenu.add (editorAction);
        parserMenu.add (parserAction);
        parserMenu.addSeparator ();
        parserMenu.add (nameAction);
        parserMenu.add (nameAsAction);
        parserMenu.add (unnameAction);
        parserMenu.addSeparator ();
        parserMenu.add (deleteLabelAction);
        menubar.add (parserMenu);

        JMenu scriptMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Scripts");
        scriptMenu.add (scriptEditorAction);
        scriptMenu.add (demonstrateAction);
        scriptMenu.add (historyScriptAction);
        menubar.add (scriptMenu);

        JMenu toolMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Tools");
        toolMenu.add (keepAction);
        toolMenu.add (deleteAction);
        toolMenu.add (sortAction);
        toolMenu.add (replaceAction);
        toolMenu.add (extractAction);
        toolMenu.add (sumAction);
        toolMenu.add (averageAction);
        menubar.add (toolMenu);

// MED: Hier Menüleiste eingefügt

	JMenu cisMenu = new AcceleratedMenu("&CIS");

        JMenu helpMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Help");
        helpMenu.add (feedbackAction);
        menubar.add (helpMenu);

        JMenu debugMenu = new AcceleratedMenu ("&Debug");
        debugMenu.add (documentPropertiesAction);
        debugMenu.add (regionSetDisplayAction);
        debugMenu.add (highlightOptionAction);
        helpMenu.add (debugMenu);

        setJMenuBar (menubar);

        // Create the toolbar
        toolbar = new JToolBar (JToolBar.HORIZONTAL);
        toolbar.setFloatable (false);
        toolbar.add (backAction);
        toolbar.add (forwardAction);
        toolbar.add (reloadAction);
        toolbar.add (stopAction);
//         toolbar.addSeparator ();
//         toolbar.add (keepAction);
//         toolbar.add (deleteAction);
//         toolbar.add (sortAction);
//         toolbar.add (replaceAction);
//         toolbar.add (extractAction);
//         toolbar.add (sumAction);
//         toolbar.add (averageAction);
//         toolbar.add (dictionaryAction);
//         toolbar.add (googleAction);
//         toolbar.add (amazonAction);
//         toolbar.addSeparator ();
//         toolbar.add (editorAction);
//         toolbar.add (demonstrateAction);

        mainLayout.add (toolbar, Layout.FIXED_HEIGHT);

        // Create the Location/View As controls
        location = new JComboBox (new History (MAX_DOCUMENT_HISTORY));
        location.setEditable (true);
        location.setEditor (new BrowserComboBoxEditor ());
        location.getEditor ().addActionListener (locationAction);
        location.addActionListener (historyAction);

        view = new JComboBox ();
        view.addItem (new ViewType ("Text", "text/plain"));
        view.addItem (new ViewType ("HTML", "text/html"));
        view.addActionListener (changeViewAction);

        mainLayout.add (Layout.gridbag ()
                        .setContainerInsets (1, 1, 1, 1)
                        .add (new JLabel ("Command: "), Layout.FIXED_WIDTH)
                        .add (location)
                        .add (new JLabel (" View As: "), Layout.FIXED_WIDTH)
                        .add (view, Layout.FIXED_WIDTH)
                        .done (),

        // Create the browser pane and its decorations
        outputPane = new BrowserPane (this);
        outputPane.addCaretListener (caretListener);
        outputPane.addHyperlinkListener (hyperlinkListener);
        outputPane.addMouseListener (rightClickListener);
        outputPane.addMouseListener (shiftClickListener);
        outputPane.addMouseMotionListener (shiftDragListener);
        outputPane.addFocusListener (paneFocusListener);

        browserScrollPane = new JScrollPane (outputPane);
        browserScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
        browserScrollPane.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));

        outputPanel = (JPanel) Layout.border ()
            .add (outputLabel = new JLabel ("Output: "), Layout.NORTH)
            .add (browserScrollPane, Layout.CENTER)
            .done ();
            (getSavedDimension ("outputPane", new Dimension (600, 400)));

            .getKeymap ()
            (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke ('C', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK),

        // Create the error pane and its decorations
        errorPane = new BrowserPane (this);
        errorPane.addCaretListener (caretListener);
        errorPane.addHyperlinkListener (hyperlinkListener);
        errorPane.addMouseListener (rightClickListener);
        errorPane.addMouseListener (shiftClickListener);
        errorPane.addMouseMotionListener (shiftDragListener);
        errorPane.addFocusListener (paneFocusListener);

        errorScrollPane = new JScrollPane (errorPane);
        errorScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
        errorScrollPane.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));

        errorPanel = (JPanel) Layout.border ()
            .add (errorLabel = new JLabel ("Errors: "), Layout.NORTH)
            .add (errorScrollPane, Layout.CENTER)
            .done ();
            (getSavedDimension ("errorPane", new Dimension (600, 80)));

        // Create the pattern box
        pattern = new TCEditor ();
        undoPattern = new UndoManager ();
        pattern.getDocument ().addUndoableEditListener 
            (new UndoableEditListener () {
                public void undoableEditHappened (UndoableEditEvent e) {
                    undoPattern.addEdit (e.getEdit ());

        patternScrollPane = new JScrollPane (pattern);
        patternScrollPane.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));

        JLabel patternLabel = new JLabel ("Pattern: ");
        int buttonHeight = patternLabel.getPreferredSize ().height;

        patternPanel =  (JPanel)
            Layout.vertical ()
            .setAlignment (Layout.WEST)
            .setContainerInsets (5, 5, 5, 5)
            .add (Layout.horizontal ()
                  .setAlignment (Layout.SOUTH)
                  .add (patternLabel)
                  .addGlue ()
                  .add (makeTinyButton ("Go",
                  .add (makeTinyButton ("Clear",
                  .done (),
            .add (patternScrollPane)
            .add (patternMatchCount = new JLabel ("0 matches highlighted"))
            .done ();
        patternPanel.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));
            (getSavedDimension ("patternPane", new Dimension (200, 150)));
             KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK),
             KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0),

        // Create the label tree and its decorations
        tree = new LabelTree ();
        tree.addMouseListener (treeMouseListener);
        tree.addTreeExpansionListener (new TreeExpansionListener () {
            public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent event) {
                if (logExpansions)
                    Log.println ("expanded " + event.getPath ());
            public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent event) {
                if (logExpansions)
                    Log.println ("collapsed " + event.getPath ());

        treeScrollPane = new JScrollPane (tree);
        treeScrollPane.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));
        treePanel = (JPanel) 
            Layout.vertical ()
            .setAlignment (Layout.WEST)
            .setContainerInsets (5, 5, 5, 5)
            .add (Layout.horizontal ()
                  .setAlignment (Layout.SOUTH)
                  .add (new JLabel ("Names:"))
                  .addGlue ()
                  .add (makeTinyButton ("Name...",
                  .done (),
            .add (treeScrollPane)
            .done ();
        treePanel.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (0, 0));
            (getSavedDimension ("treePane", new Dimension (200, 400)));
             KeyStroke.getKeyStroke ('M', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK),

        // Create the splitters separating output, error, pattern, 
        // and tree 
        errorSplitter = new JSplitPane (JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
                                        outputPanel, errorPanel);
        errorSplitter.setOneTouchExpandable (true);

        treeSplitter = new JSplitPane (JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
                                        patternPanel, treePanel);
        treeSplitter.setOneTouchExpandable (true);

        midSplitter = new JSplitPane (JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
                                      errorSplitter, treeSplitter);
        midSplitter.setOneTouchExpandable (true);

        mainLayout.add (midSplitter);

        // Create the status panel
        progressBar = new BrowserProgressBar ();

        statusBar = new JLabel ("");

        feedbackButton = new JButton ("Feedback");
        feedbackButton.addActionListener (feedbackAction);

        mainLayout.add (Layout.horizontal ()
                        .setContainerInsets (1, 1, 1, 1)
                        .add (progressBar, Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                        .add (statusBar, new Insets (0, 3, 0, 0))
                        .addGlue ()
                        .add (feedbackButton, Layout.FIXED_WIDTH)
                        .done (),

        //System.err.println ("Packing window");
        pack ();

        // Activate output pane
        activatePane (outputPane, false);

        // Create document factory and Tcl interpreter (needs to be
        // after pack() call for some reason)
        factory = new SwingDocument.Factory ();
        factory.getProgressGenerator ().addProgressListener (progressBar);
//         factory.getProgressGenerator ().addProgressListener (new StreamProgressBar (System.err));

        // Register browse tool
        registerBrowserTools ();

        // Register self with default Toolbox, so that when user creates
        // new tools we can add them to our menus 
        //System.err.println ("Loading toolbox");
        Toolbox.getDefaultToolbox ().addBrowser (this);

        lapis.Main.browserCreated ();
        //System.err.println ("Done creating Browser");

    public void show () { ();

        Point p = getSavedPoint ("location", null);
        if (p != null)
            setLocation (p);
            PopupDialog.centerWindow (this, null);

    void saveDimension (String name, Dimension d) {
        Main.config.put (name, d.width + "x" + d.height);

    Dimension getSavedDimension (String name, Dimension defaultDim) {
        String s = Main.config.getProperty (name);
        try {
            return new Dimension (Integer.parseInt (Str.before (s, "x")),
                                  Integer.parseInt (Str.after (s, "x")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return defaultDim;
    void savePoint (String name, Point pt) {
        Main.config.put (name, pt.x + "," + pt.y);

    Point getSavedPoint (String name, Point defaultPt) {
        String s = Main.config.getProperty (name);
        try {
            return new Point (Integer.parseInt (Str.before (s, ",")),
                              Integer.parseInt (Str.after (s, ",")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return defaultPt;
    void saveConfiguration () {
        savePoint ("location", getLocation ());
        saveDimension ("outputPane", outputPanel.getSize ());
        saveDimension ("errorPane", errorPanel.getSize ());
        saveDimension ("patternPane", patternPanel.getSize ());
        saveDimension ("namesPane", treePanel.getSize ());
        Main.config.put ("errorSplitter", String.valueOf (getErrorSplitterLocations () [0])); ();
        Log.close ();

    JButton makeTinyButton (String label, Action action, int height) {
        JButton button = new JButton (label);
        Font oldFont = button.getFont ();
        Font font = new Font (oldFont.getName (), 
                              oldFont.getStyle (),
                              oldFont.getSize () - 2);
        button.setFont (font);

        Dimension d = new Dimension (button.getPreferredSize ().width,
        button.setPreferredSize (d);
        button.setMaximumSize (d);

        button.addActionListener (action);

        String tooltip = (String) action.getValue (Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION);
        if (tooltip != null)
            button.setToolTipText (tooltip);

        return button;

    class BrowserProgressBar extends SwingProgressBar { 
        public BrowserProgressBar () {
            setStringPainted (false);
            Dimension size = BrowserProgressBar.this.getMinimumSize ();
            if (size.width < 100)
                setMinimumSize (new Dimension (100, size.height));

        public void setString (String label) {
            if (label != null)
                setStatus (label + "...");

        public void doneProgress (ProgressEvent event) {
            clearStatus (); 


     * Text field of Location and Find combo boxes.  Overrides JComboBox's standard
     * text field so that losing focus doesn't automatically send an Action event;
     * only pressing Enter does.
    static class BrowserComboBoxEditor extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor {
        public  BrowserComboBoxEditor () {
            super ();
            // make fonts big for demo purposes
//             Font f = editor.getFont ();
//             if (f != null)
//                 editor.setFont (new Font (f.getName (), Font.BOLD, 14));
        public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
            selectAll ();

        public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
            JTextField f = (JTextField)getEditorComponent ();
            Caret caret = f.getCaret ();
            caret.setDot (caret.getDot ());

    void registerBrowserTools () {
        Interpreter interp = factory.getInterpreter ();

        interp.registerTool ("view", new Tool () {
            public lapis.Document invoke (Arguments args) throws Exception {
                args.setUsage (
                               "Usage: View [options] <file/URL> ...\n"
                               + "    <file/URL>        Document(s) to print\n"
                               + "\n"
                               + "Options include:\n"
                               + "    -help           Display this message\n"
                while (args.hasMoreElements ()) {
                    String name = args.nextName ();
                    args.consume (name);
                Enumeration inputs = args.getInputs ();
                lapis.Document doc = null;
                while (inputs.hasMoreElements ()) {
                    doc = (lapis.Document)inputs.nextElement ();
                    setDocument (doc);
                return doc;

        interp.registerTool ("print", new Tool () {
            public lapis.Document invoke (Arguments args) throws Exception {
                args.setUsage (
                               "Usage: Print [options] <file/URL> ...\n"
                               + "    <file/URL>        Document(s) to print\n"
                               + "\n"
                               + "Options include:\n"
                               + "    -help           Display this message\n"
                while (args.hasMoreElements ()) {
                    String name = args.nextName ();
                    args.consume (name);
                Enumeration inputs = args.getInputs ();
                lapis.Document doc = null;
                while (inputs.hasMoreElements ()) {
                    doc = (lapis.Document)inputs.nextElement ();
                    setDocument (doc);

                    String title = (String)doc.getProperty ("title");
                    if (title == null)
                        title = doc.toString ();
                    BasicProgressGenerator gen = 
                        args.getFactory ().getProgressGenerator ();
                    gen.fireStartProgress ("Printing " + title + "...",
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                        gen.fireProgress (i);
                        Thread.sleep (100);
                    gen.fireDoneProgress ();
                return doc;


    //////////////////// Closing the browser

    public Action closeAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Close", 'W', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            dispose ();

    public Action exitAction = new AcceleratedAction ("E&xit", 'Q', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (lapis.Main.getRunningBrowsers () == 1
                || JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Browser.this, 
                           "Close all windows and exit Lapis?", "Exit Lapis?", 
                == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
                saveConfiguration ();
                System.exit (0);

    //////////////////// Debugging

    Action documentPropertiesAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Document Info") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
            if (doc == null) {
                getToolkit ().beep ();

            JDialog dlg = new JDialog (Browser.this, 
                                       "Document Info - " + doc.toString (), 
            Container contentPane = dlg.getContentPane ();
            Layout.border (contentPane)
                .add (new DocumentProperties (doc), Layout.CENTER);
            dlg.pack ();
            PopupDialog.centerWindow (dlg, null);

    Action regionSetDisplayAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Region Set") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (regionSetDisplay == null) {
                regionSetDisplay = lapis.trees.RegionSetDisplay.makeInFrame ();
                regionSetDisplay.setLocation (getSize ().width, 0);
                regionSetDisplay.setDocument (getDocument ());
                regionSetDisplay.setRegions (getRegions ());
            regionSetDisplay.setVisible (true);

    Action highlightOptionAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Highlight Options") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            ((RegionHighlighter) activePane.getHighlighter ())
                .showOptionDialog (Browser.this);

    //////////////////// Help & feedback

    Action feedbackAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Feedback and Bug Reports") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            FeedbackForm.showFeedbackForm (Browser.this);

    //////////////////// Status bar and stop button

    public void setStatus (String message) {
        if (statusBar != null)
            statusBar.setText (message);

    public void clearStatus () {
        setStatus (" ");
        progressBar.setValue (0);

    int hourglassCount; // reference count on setHourglass(true)

    public void setHourglass (boolean enabled) {
        if (enabled)
        else if (--hourglassCount > 0)
            return; // somebody still wants the hourglass showing
            hourglassCount = 0;

        // Change the stop button
        stopAction.putValue (Action.SMALL_ICON, 
                             enabled ? stopIcon : graystopIcon);

    public void clearHourglass () {
        hourglassCount = 0;
        setHourglass (false);

    //////////////////// Evaluating Tcl commands

      * Evaluate a Tcl script (in the background).
      * @param script Tcl code to evaluate (may be multiple lines)
    public void eval (final String script) {
        this.eval (script, true);
    public void eval (final String script, final boolean annotateResult) {
        stop ();

        Log.println ("eval " + script);

        setStatus ("Evaluating command...");

        runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
            public void run () throws Exception {
                Interpreter interp = factory.getInterpreter ();
                // Evaluate the script and get its output 
                lapis.Document output = 
                    (lapis.Document) interp.eval (script, getDocument ());
                Thr.check ();
                if (annotateResult)
                    // Attach script to its output 
                    output.putProperty (SwingDocument.CommandProperty, 
                                        toOneLine (script));
                // Display output
                setDocument (output);

    // Convert a possibly multi-line Tcl script to a single line.
    private static String toOneLine (String script) {
        return Str.replace (script.trim (), "\n", " ; ");

    //////////////////// Getting browser state

     * Get the current document.
    public SwingDocument getDocument () {
        return (SwingDocument)activePane.getDocument ();

     * Get the browser's document factory.
    public DocumentFactory getFactory () {
        return factory;

     * Get command that generated browser contents.
     * @returns command (actually a URL, filename, or command), 
     * or null if browser is showing nothing.
    public String getCommand () {
        SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
        return (doc != null) 
            ? (String)doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.CommandProperty) 
            : null;

     * Get browser history.
    public History getHistory () {
        return (History)location.getModel ();

    //////////////////// Visiting new pages in browser

     * Change the current document to a Document object.
    public void setDocument (lapis.Document newdoc) {
        // Convert to a SwingDocument if necessary
        final SwingDocument doc = convertToSwingDocument (newdoc);

        Log.println ("show " + doc);

        // Prepare to change current document
        loadingDocument (doc);

        // Load output document
        setStatus ("Loading " + doc + "...");
//         runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
//             public void run () {
                outputPane.setDocument (doc);

                // Done changing document
                loadedDocument (doc);

                clearStatus ();
                setStatus ("Document loaded.");
//             }
//         });

        // Load error document (if any)
        final lapis.Document error =
            (lapis.Document) doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.ErrorProperty);
        if (error != null) {
//             runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
//                 public void run () {
                    errorPane.setDocument (convertToSwingDocument (error));
//                 }
//             });

    private SwingDocument convertToSwingDocument (lapis.Document doc) {
        if (doc instanceof SwingDocument)
            return (SwingDocument)doc;

        SwingDocument sdoc = (SwingDocument) factory.make (doc);
        factory.getInterpreter ().setVar (Interpreter.DOCUMENT_VAR, 
        return sdoc;

     * Called when a document is about to be loaded.  The document has not
     * necessarily
     * been fully downloaded yet, so its content is unavailable, but its
     * URL and content type are available.  Default behavior adds
     * the document to the browsing history and puts its URL in the Location
     * text box and its content type in the View drop-down list.
    protected void loadingDocument (SwingDocument doc) {
        Thr.check ();

        // Put new doc in the history, if necessary
        try {
            blockHistoryAction = true;
            History history = getHistory ();
            if (!history.contains (doc))
                history.put (doc);
        } finally {
            blockHistoryAction = false;

        // Update location box
        location.getEditor ().setItem (doc);
        location.getEditor ().selectAll ();

        // Update content-type
        updateContentType (doc);

        // Update title bar (no TitleProperty available yet, but URLProperty
        // is)
        updateTitle (doc);

        // Clear the highlighted region set
        setRegions (null, null);

        // Update debugging display
        if (regionSetDisplay != null)
            regionSetDisplay.setDocument (doc);
        // Activate browser pane
        activatePane (outputPane,
                      doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.ErrorProperty) != null);

     * Called after the current document has been fully loaded.
    protected void loadedDocument (SwingDocument doc) {
        Thr.check ();

        // Update title bar -- TitleProperty (if any) is available now
        // since document is loaded.
        updateTitle (doc);

        // Update label tree
        updateLabels ();

    private void updateTitle (SwingDocument doc) {
        String title = 
            (String) doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.TitleProperty);
        if (title == null)
           title = doc.toString ();
        setTitle ((title != null) ? "Lapis - " + title : "Lapis");

    //////////////////// Switching between browser and error pane

    private FocusListener paneFocusListener = new FocusAdapter () {
        public void focusGained (FocusEvent event) {
            selectPane ((BrowserPane)event.getSource ());

    private void selectPane (BrowserPane pane) {
        if (pane == activePane)

        Log.println ("select " + ((pane == outputPane) ? "output" : "error"));

        // Clear the old pane's highlighting
        setRegions (null, null);
        // Activate the new pane
        activatePane (pane, errorShowing);
        // Update the UI to match new pane
        updateContentType (getDocument ());
        updateLabels ();

    boolean errorShowing = true;
    Color inactivePaneColor;

    private void activatePane (BrowserPane pane, boolean showErrorPane) {
        if (inactivePaneColor == null) {
            // first time a pane has been activated.
            // save the default background color to
            // use for inactive panes
            inactivePaneColor = outputPanel.getBackground ();

        // show or hide error panel, adjusting error splitter accordingly
        int[] locations = getErrorSplitterLocations ();

        outputLabel.setVisible (showErrorPane);
        errorPanel.setVisible (showErrorPane);

        errorSplitter.setDividerLocation (locations[showErrorPane ? 0 : 1]);
        errorSplitter.setLastDividerLocation (locations[0]);

        // Set the panel's background color (affecting only the 
        // panel's label) to indicate which panel is activated
        outputPanel.setBackground ((pane == outputPane)
                                   ? ACTIVE_PANE_COLOR
                                   : inactivePaneColor);
        errorPanel.setBackground ((pane == errorPane)
                                      ? ACTIVE_PANE_COLOR
                                      : inactivePaneColor);

        activePane = pane;
        errorShowing = showErrorPane;

    int[] getErrorSplitterLocations () {
        int bottom = errorSplitter.getHeight ()
            - errorSplitter.getInsets ().bottom
            - errorSplitter.getDividerSize ();

        int middle = errorSplitter.getDividerLocation ();

        if (Math.abs (middle - bottom) < 15)
            middle = errorSplitter.getLastDividerLocation();

        if (Math.abs (middle - bottom) < 15) {
            String loc = Main.config.getProperty ("errorSplitter");
            if (loc != null)
                middle = Integer.parseInt (loc);

        errorSplitter.setLastDividerLocation (middle);

        //System.err.println ("middle = " + middle + ", bottom = " + bottom);

        return new int[] { middle, bottom };

    //////////////////// Invoking URLs (by typing, from history, or by hyperlink)

     * Action invoked when user edits the URL in the Location box and leaves
     * the URL box (by pressing Enter or clicking somewhere else).
    public Action locationAction = new AbstractAction () {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Object item = location.getEditor ().getItem ();
            //System.err.println ("Goto " + item);
            if (item instanceof String)
                eval (item.toString ());
            location.getEditor ().selectAll ();

     * Action invoked when user selects a document from the history drop-down list.
    public Action historyAction = new AbstractAction () {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (blockHistoryAction)

            SwingDocument doc = (SwingDocument)location.getSelectedItem ();
            if (doc == null)

            setDocument (doc);

    boolean blockHistoryAction = false;

     * Listener invoked when user clicks on a hyperlink in an HTML document.
    public HyperlinkListener hyperlinkListener = new HyperlinkListener () {
        public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
            HyperlinkEvent.EventType type = e.getEventType();

            URL url = e.getURL ();
            if (url == null)

            if (url.toString ().startsWith ("file://localhost/"))
                url = URLUtil.FileToURL (new File (url.toString ().substring (16)));

            if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
                eval (url.toString ());
            else if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ENTERED) {
                // FIX: ENTERED and EXITED events aren't sent by current Swing
                setStatus (url.toString ());
                ((Component)e.getSource ())
                    .setCursor (Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));
            else if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED) {
                setStatus (" ");
                ((Component)e.getSource ())
                    .setCursor (Cursor.getDefaultCursor ());

     * Action invoked by Back command.  Move back to previous document in history.
    public Action backAction = new AcceleratedAction 
         new ImageIcon (System.getProperty ("lapis.dir", ".") 
                        + "/images/back.gif"),
         KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK,
         "Go back to previous page in history") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            History history = getHistory ();
            SwingDocument doc = (SwingDocument)history.back ();
            if (doc == null)
                getToolkit().beep ();
            else {
                stop ();
                setDocument (doc);

     * Action invoked by Forward command.  Moves forward to next document in history.
    public Action forwardAction = new AcceleratedAction 
         new ImageIcon (System.getProperty ("lapis.dir", ".") 
                        + "/images/fwd.gif"),
         KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK,
         "Go forward to next page in history") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            History history = getHistory ();
            SwingDocument doc = (SwingDocument)history.forward ();
            if (doc == null)
                getToolkit().beep ();
            else {
                stop ();
                setDocument (doc);

     * Action invoked by Reload command.  Reloads and reparses the current
     * page.
    public Action reloadAction = new AcceleratedAction 
         new ImageIcon (System.getProperty ("lapis.dir", ".") 
                        + "/images/reload.gif"),
         'R', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK,
         "Reload the current page") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            String command = getCommand ();
            if (command != null)
                eval (command.toString ());

    //////////////////// Running and stopping background activities

    Vector backgroundThreads = new Vector ();

    public synchronized void runStoppableActivity (RunnableWithExceptions r) {
        new BackgroundThread (r)
            .start ();

    private interface RunnableWithExceptions {
        public void run () throws Exception;

    private class BackgroundThread extends Thread {
        RunnableWithExceptions r;

        public BackgroundThread (RunnableWithExceptions r) {
            this.r = r;
            setPriority (BACKGROUND_PRIORITY);
            backgroundThreads.addElement (this);

        public void run () {
            try {
                setHourglass (true);
                setHourglass (false);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new Runnable () {
                    public void run () {
                        FeedbackForm.showExceptionDialog (Browser.this, e);
                        clearHourglass ();
                        clearStatus ();

     * Action invoked by Stop command.  Stops downloading or parsing.
    ImageIcon stopIcon = new ImageIcon (System.getProperty ("lapis.dir", ".")
                                        + "/images/stop.gif");
    ImageIcon graystopIcon = new ImageIcon (System.getProperty ("lapis.dir", ".")
                                            + "/images/gray-stop.gif");
    public Action stopAction = new AcceleratedAction 
         "Stop the current page load") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            stop ();
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new Runnable () {
                public void run () {
                    setStatus ("Stopped.");

    public synchronized void stop () {
        // Interrupt all background threads, forcing I/O operations to throw
        // errors and Thr.check() to throw ThreadDeath
        for (Enumeration e = backgroundThreads.elements ();
             e.hasMoreElements (); )
            ((Thread)e.nextElement ()).interrupt ();

        backgroundThreads.removeAllElements ();

        // Reset progress UI 
        clearHourglass ();
        clearStatus ();

    //////////////////// File operations (open and save)

     * Action invoked when user selects File/New Browser.
     * Creates a new Browser window.
    public Action newBrowserAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&New Browser", 'N', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Browser b = new Browser ();

            // Copy history to new browser window
            History h = new History (getHistory ());
            b.location.setModel (h);
            Object d = h.get ();
            if (d != null)
                b.setDocument ((SwingDocument)d);
            // Show new browser window offset 50,50 from this window
            Point p = getLocation ();
            p.translate (50, 50);
            b.setLocation (p);

     * Action invoked when user selects File/Open.
     * Pops up a file-open dialog to open a file into the browser.
    public Action openAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Open...", 'O', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser ();
            if (chooser.showOpenDialog (Browser.this) == 
                eval (chooser.getSelectedFile ().toString ());

     * Action invoked when user selects File/Save.
     * Pops up a save-as dialog box, then saves the browser contents.
    public Action saveAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Save As...", 'S', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser ();
            File filename = getFile ();
            if (filename != null)
                chooser.setSelectedFile (filename);

            if (chooser.showSaveDialog (Browser.this) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)

            File f = chooser.getSelectedFile ();

            if (f.exists ()) 
                switch (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (Browser.this, 
                                                  f + " already exists. Overwrite?\n",
                                                       JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION)) {
                case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:
                case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
                    // Pop up dialog box again
                    actionPerformed (evt);
                case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION:

            save (f);

     * Save browser contents to a local file.
     * @param f Local file to save
    public void save (File f) {
        try {
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (f));
            out.print (getDocument ().getContentText ());
            out.close ();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            FeedbackForm.showExceptionDialog (Browser.this, e);

     * Get local filename corresponding to browser contents.
     * @returns local filename, or null if browser is showing nothing or
     * a remote page.
    public File getFile () {
        SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
        if (doc == null)
            return null;

        URL url = (URL)doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.URLProperty);
        if (url == null)
            return null;

        try {
            return URLUtil.URLToFile (url);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            return null;

    //////////////////// edit operations (cut, copy, paste, etc)

    public Action cutAction = new KeystrokeAction ("Cu&t", 'X', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK);
    public Action copyAction = new KeystrokeAction ("&Copy", 'C', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK);
    public Action pasteAction = new KeystrokeAction ("&Paste", 'V', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK);
    public Action selectAllAction = new KeystrokeAction ("Select &All", 'A', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK);

    class KeystrokeAction extends AcceleratedAction {
        public KeystrokeAction (String name, int keycode, int modifiers) {
            super (name, keycode, modifiers);

        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
            Keymap keymap = outputPane.getKeymap ();
            if (keymap == null) {
                Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().beep ();

            KeyStroke keystroke = (KeyStroke) getValue (ACCELERATOR);
            Action action = keymap.getAction (keystroke);
            if (action == null) {
                Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().beep ();

            action.actionPerformed (event);            

     * Action invoked by Undo command.  Undoes one editing action.
    public Action undoAction = 
        new AcceleratedAction 
        ("&Undo", 'Z', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK,
         new javax.swing.text.TextAction ("Undo") {
            public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
                if (getTextComponent (evt) == pattern) {
                    try {
                        undoPattern.undo ();
                    } catch (CannotUndoException e) {
                        getToolkit ().beep ();

      * Override copy action (for ALL JTextComponents) to mark 
      * which JTextComponent generated the clipboard contents.
    public Action copyKeystrokeAction = new DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction () {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
            JTextComponent target = getTextComponent(event);
            if (! (target instanceof BrowserPane)) {
                super.actionPerformed (event);

            Clipboard clipboard = 
            BrowserPane br = (BrowserPane) target;
            javax.swing.text.Document doc = 
            RegionHighlighter h = (RegionHighlighter) br.getHighlighter ();
            RegionSet s = h.getRegions ();
            if (s != null) {
                if (doc instanceof CookedDocument)
                    s = s.convert (((CookedDocument)doc).getCoordinateMap ());
                s = s.meld ();
                RegionEnumeration re = s.regions ();
                StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ();
                for (Interval r = (Interval) re.first (); 
                     r != null; 
                     r = (Interval) ()) {
                    try {
                        result.append (doc.getText(r.start, r.end - r.start));
                    } catch (BadLocationException e) {

                StringSelection contents = 
                    new StringSelection (result.toString ());
                clipboard.setContents(contents, contents);

    //////////////////// Changing the view (text, html, etc.)

    static class ViewType {
        public String uiName;       // name for UI purposes (e.g. "Text")
        public String contentType;  // content type (e.g. "text/plain")

        public ViewType (String uiName, String contentType) {
            this.uiName = uiName;
            this.contentType = contentType;

        public String toString () {
            return uiName;

    private void updateContentType (SwingDocument doc) {
        try {
            blockContentTypeAction = true;
            setViewContentType (view, 
                                (String) doc.getProperty 
        } finally {
            blockContentTypeAction = false;

     * Action invoked when user selects a different view from the drop-down list.
    boolean blockContentTypeAction = false;

    public Action changeViewAction = new AbstractAction () {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (blockContentTypeAction)

            ViewType vt = (ViewType) view.getSelectedItem ();
            if (vt == null)

            changeContentType (vt.contentType);

    public void changeContentType (String contentType) {
        SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
        if (doc == null)

        // Check whether content type is actually changing
        String oldContentType = 
            (String) doc.getProperty (SwingDocument.MIMEProperty);
        if (contentType.equals (oldContentType))

        // Re-create document with desired content type
        SwingDocument olddoc = doc;
        doc.putProperty (SwingDocument.MIMEProperty, contentType);
        doc = (SwingDocument) factory.make (olddoc);
        olddoc.putProperty (SwingDocument.MIMEProperty, contentType);

        // Replace document in history.
        // Use block flag to block its action listener
        // from firing, thereby avoiding multiple calls to setDocument().
        try {
            blockHistoryAction = true;
            (getHistory ()).replace (doc);
        } finally {
            blockHistoryAction = false;

        // Hang on the highlighting
        RegionSet highlight = getRegions ();
        String highlightName = getRegionSetName ();

        // Set the converted document
        setDocument (doc);

        // Set the background appropriate to this content type
        new lapis.parsers.BackgroundParser ()
            .parse (doc);

        // Restore the original highlighting
        setRegions (highlightName, highlight);

     * Set the view drop-down list to match a loaded document's content type.
    static void setViewContentType (JComboBox view, String contentType) {
        int selection = 0;  // use Text as default if we can't find contentType

        try {
            ComboBoxModel model = view.getModel ();
            int n = model.getSize ();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                ViewType vt = (ViewType)model.getElementAt (i);
                if (vt.contentType.equals (contentType)) {
                    selection = i;
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        view.setSelectedIndex (selection);

    //////////////////// Parsing the current document

     * Parse the current document (in the background) using 
     * a specified parser.
    public void parse (final Parser parser) {
        runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
            public void run () {
                SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
                if (doc == null)
                parser.parse (doc);
                updateLabels ();

    //////////////////// Searching for patterns

     * Action invoked when user types something in the Find text box and presses Enter,
     * or selects a pattern from the pattern history drop-down.
     * Searches for the text constraint pattern and highlights the matching regions.
    public Action findAction = new AcceleratedAction 
        ("Go", KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK,
         "Highlight all matches to the pattern [Ctrl-Enter]") {
        // keep this action from firing recursively
        public boolean blockFindAction = false;

        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            try {   // finally
                if (blockFindAction)
                blockFindAction = true;

//                 // get pattern expression
//                 ComboBoxEditor ed = pattern.getEditor ();
//                 String expr = ed.getItem ().toString ();
//                 if (expr.length () == 0)
//                     return;

//                 // add it to pattern history
//                 History history = (History) pattern.getModel ();
//                 if (!history.contains (expr))
//                     history.add (expr);

                Log.println ("find pattern:\n" + pattern.getText ().trim ());
                // compile pattern into a TC structure
                final TC system = 
                    makeTCFromTextComponent (pattern);
                // evaluate pattern in background
                runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
                    public void run () {
                        SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
                        if (doc == null)

                        final TCParseException warnings = new TCParseException ();

                        RegionSet result = system.evaluate (doc, warnings);

                        updateLabels ();

                        String canonicalLabel = null;
                        String label = system.getLabel ();
                        if (label != null) {
                            Labeling labels = doc.getLabeling ();
                            try {
                                canonicalLabel = labels.lookup (label);
                            } catch (Labeling.LookupException e) {

                        setRegions (canonicalLabel, result);

                        if (!warnings.isEmpty ())
                            SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new Runnable () {
                                public void run () {
                                         warnings.getMessage (),
            } catch (TCParseException e) {
                Log.println ("parse errors: " + e.getMessage ());

                FeedbackForm.showMessageDialog (Browser.this, 
                                                e.errors ().nextElement ().toString (), 
                                                "Parse Error",
            } finally {
                blockFindAction = false;

                pattern.requestFocus ();

     * Action invoked when user selects an earlier pattern from the Find drop-down list.
//     public ItemListener findHistoryListener = new ItemListener () {
//         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
//             Object item = pattern.getSelectedItem ();
//             if (item == null)
//                 item = "";                
//             pattern.getEditor ().setItem (item);
//         }
//     };

    public static TC makeTCFromTextComponent (JTextComponent textbox) throws TCParseException {
        String text = textbox.getText ();
        try {
            return new TC (text);
        } catch (TCParseException e) {
            // Select the error, then re-throw the exception
            selectParseError (textbox, e);
            e.setStringContext (text);
            throw e;
    public static void selectParseError (JTextComponent textbox, 
                                         TCParseException e) {
        int len = textbox.getText ().length ();
        int start = Math.max (0, Math.min (len, e.getStart ()));
        int end = Math.max (0, Math.min (len, e.getEnd ())); (start, end);
        if (start == end) {
            // insert a marker to make error position visible
            textbox.replaceSelection ("???");
   (start, end+3);
        textbox.requestFocus ();        

     * Append a name to the pattern box (usually because it was selected from
     * a popup menu or the label tree).
    protected void putNameInPattern (Label name) {
        ComboBoxEditor editor = pattern.getEditor ();
        String item = (String)editor.getItem ();
        if (item.length () != 0)
            item += ' ';
        item += name;
        editor.setItem (item);

     * Action invoked when user clicks on Name... button.
     * Pops up a dialog to assign a label to current highlight.
    public Action labelAction = new AcceleratedAction 
         'M', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK,
         "Give a name to the current highlight [Ctrl-M]") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            String name = promptForName (highlightedName);
            if (name == null)

            Log.println ("named " + name);

            Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();
            boolean nameExists = labels.contains (name);
            labels.put (name, getRegions ());
            if (!nameExists)
                updateLabels ();
            setRegions (name, null);

     * Action invoked when user clicks on Remove Highlight on context menu.
     * Unhighlights the region under the cursor.
    public Action removeHighlightAction = new AcceleratedAction ("Remove Highlight") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (clickedRegion == null)

            Log.println ("unhighlight " + clickedRegion);
            setRegions (null,
                        highlightedRegions.copy ()
                        .delete (clickedRegion));

     * Action invoked when user clicks on Clear button.
     * Clears the highlight.
    public Action removeAllHighlightsAction = new AcceleratedAction 
        ("Remove All Highlights",
         KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0,
         "Clear all highlights and clear the Pattern box [Esc]") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Log.println ("clear");
            setRegions (null, null);
            pattern.requestFocus ();

     * Action invoked when user clicks on TC Editor button.
     * Pops up a new TCFileEditor window.
    public Action editorAction = new AcceleratedAction ("Pattern &Editor") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            showTCFileEditor ();

    public void showTCFileEditor () {
        if (tcEditor == null) {
            tcEditor = new TCFileEditor (Browser.this);
            PopupDialog.centerWindow (tcEditor, Browser.this);
        } else
     * Action invoked when user selects Structure/Run Parser menu command.
     * Pops up a dialog box for parser name.
    public Action parserAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Run Parser...") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            ParserDialog dialog = new ParserDialog (Browser.this);
            Parser parser = dialog.getParser ();
            if (parser == null)
            parse (parser);
    class ParserDialog extends OkCancelDialog {
        JTextField name;
        JButton browseButton;
        private Parser parser;  // created by OK button; null if dialog canceled
        public ParserDialog (Frame owner) {
            super (owner, "Run Parser");
            Layout.gridbag (getControlsPane ())
                .setAlignment (Layout.NORTHWEST)
                .add (new JLabel ("Parser (filename, URL or Java class): "),
                .nextRow ()
                .add (name = new JTextField ())
                .add (browseButton = new JButton ("Browse..."), 

            name.addActionListener (new ActionListener () {
                public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
                    ok ();
            browseButton.addActionListener (new ActionListener () {
                public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
                    FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser ();
                    if (chooser.showOpenDialog (ParserDialog.this) 
                        == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                        name.setText (chooser.getSelectedFile ().toString ());
            pack ();
        public void ok () {
            try {
                parser = ParserGroup.loadParser (name.getText ());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FeedbackForm.showExceptionDialog (Browser.this, e);
            super.ok ();
        public Parser getParser () {
            return parser;

    //////////////////// Refreshing the label tree

    boolean logExpansions = true;

    protected void updateLabels () {
        try {
            logExpansions = false;
            tree.setLabeling (getDocument ().getLabeling ());
        } finally {
            logExpansions = true;

    //////////////////// The highlighted region set

     * Set the highlighted region set with its name.  If name is null,
     * assumes region set is anonymous.  If r is null, looks up name
     * in document's labeling.  If both name and r are null, uses
     * EMPTY_SET.
    public void setRegions (String name, RegionSet r) {
        if (r == null) {
            if (name != null) {
                Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();

                // Lookup name 
                r = labels.get (name);

                // Display (abbreviated) name in pattern box
                pattern.setText (labels.getShortestName (name).toString ());
            } else {
                pattern.setText ("");

        highlightedRegions = r;
        highlightedName = name;

        changedRegions ();

     * Called when the highlighted region set changes.
    protected void changedRegions () {
        // Record the pattern used to generate the highlighted regions
        highlightedPattern = (highlightedRegions != null) 
            ? pattern.getText ()
            : null;

        // Highlight the region set name (if any) in the label tree
        try {
            logExpansions = false;
            tree.setSelectedLabel (highlightedName);
        } finally {
            logExpansions = true;

        // Flatten the region set
        highlightedFlatRegions = (highlightedRegions != null) ? highlightedRegions.flatten () : null;

        // Highlight the matches in the browser pane
        activePane.setRegions (highlightedRegions);

        // Reset search
        resetFind ();

        // Display number of matches in status bar
        int n = (highlightedRegions != null)
            ? highlightedRegions.getSize ()
            : 0;
        if (((RegionHighlighter)activePane.getHighlighter ()).getFeedback ()
            != null)
        patternMatchCount.setText ( n + " match" + ((n == 1) ? "" : "es")
                                    + " highlighted");

        // Update debugging display
        if (regionSetDisplay != null)
            regionSetDisplay.setRegions (highlightedRegions);

//         // Scroll to first match
//         if (highlightedFlatRegions != null) {
//             Region firstMatch = highlightedFlatRegions.regions ().first ();
//             if (firstMatch != null)
//                 activePane.scrollRegionToVisible (firstMatch);
//         }

     * Get the highlighted region set.
    public RegionSet getRegions () {
        return highlightedRegions;

     * Get the label of the highlighted region set (or null if not labeled).
    public String getRegionSetName () {
        return highlightedName;
     * Step to next match in highlighted region set.  Starts from current selection
     * or cursor position.
    public Action nextMatchAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Next Match", KeyEvent.VK_F3, 0) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
            findNext (true);

    public void resetFind () {
        isSearching = false;

    public void findNext (boolean beepIfNone) {
        if (highlightedRegions == null) {
            if (beepIfNone)
                getToolkit().beep ();
        // Find start point of search.
        Interval selection = null;    // Document position to start searching from.
        if (isSearching)
            // Next Match has been invoked since the highlighted
            // region set last changed.
            // Start after current selection.
            selection = activePane.getSelectedRegion ();
            isSearching = true;
        if (selection == null)
            selection = new Interval (0, 0);
        // Find first highlighted region after selection
        Region r = highlightedFlatRegions.regions ((Region)selection.after ()).first ();
        if (r == null){
            if (beepIfNone)
                getToolkit().beep ();
        else {
            // Select it
            activePane.selectRegion (r);
            activePane.requestFocus ();

     * Step to previous match in highlighted region set.  Looks backward from current
     * selection or cursor position.
    public Action previousMatchAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Previous Match", KeyEvent.VK_F3, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
            // Fix: can't support this until we can enumerate backwards
            getToolkit().beep ();

    //////////////////// Naming regions manually

     * Action invoked by Label command.  Adds selected region to current region set.
    public Action nameAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Label", 'L', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Interval r = activePane.getSelectedRegion ();
            if (r.start == r.end)
                return; // ignore 0-length selections

            if (highlightedName != null)
                nameRegion (highlightedName, r);
                nameAsAction.actionPerformed (evt);

     * Action invoked by Label As command.  Pops up a dialog to give
     * selection region an arbitrary name.
    public Action nameAsAction = new AcceleratedAction ("Label &As...") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Interval r = activePane.getSelectedRegion ();
            if (r.start == r.end)
                return; // ignore 0-length selections

            String name = promptForName (highlightedName);
            activePane.selectRegion (r);
            if (name != null)
                nameRegion (name, r);

     * Action invoked by Unlabel command.  
     * Removes selected region from current region set.
    public Action unnameAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Unlabel", 'U', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Interval r = activePane.getSelectedRegion ();
            if (r.start == r.end)
                return; // ignore 0-length selections

            if (highlightedName != null)
                unnameRegion (highlightedName, r);

     * Action invoked by Delete Label command.  Deletes selected label
     * from labeling.
    public Action deleteLabelAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Delete Label", 'D', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            if (highlightedName != null) {
                Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();
                labels.remove (highlightedName);
                setRegions (null, null);
                updateLabels ();

    void nameRegion (String name, Region r) {
        Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();
        boolean nameExists = labels.contains (name);
        labels.add (name, r);
        setRegions (name, null);
        if (!nameExists)
            updateLabels ();

    void unnameRegion (String name, Region r) {
        Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();
        RegionSet s = labels.get (name);

        // delete all regions inside r (including fuzz)
        Region inR = (Region) ();
        labels.get (SwingDocument.BACKGROUND).fuzzifyBoundingBox (inR);
        s = s.delete (inR);

        // trim all regions overlapping r (not including fuzz)
        s = s.trim (r);

        labels.put (name, s);
        setRegions (name, null);

    String promptForName (String defaultName) {
        String answer = (String)
            JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null,
                                         "Name for current highlight: ",
                                         "Name Highlight",
        if (answer == null)
            return null;

        answer = answer.trim ();
        if (answer.length() == 0)
            return null;

        return answer;
//         try {
//             return getDocument ().getLabeling ().lookup (answer);
//         } catch (Labeling.LabelNotFoundException e) {
//             return answer;
//         } catch (Labeling.LabelAmbiguousException e) {
//             return (String)
//                 JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null,
//                                              "Several labels match that name.\n"
//                                              + "Please select the one you want.",
//                                              "Choose Label",
//                                              JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,
//                                              null,
//                                              e.getChoices (),
//                                              null);
//         }

    //////////////////// Selecting named region sets

     * Action invoked when user clicks on the tree display.
     * Clears the selection if the mouse isn't pointing at a name.
    public MouseListener treeMouseListener = new MouseAdapter () {
        public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e) {
            tree.expandNodeAtLocation (e.getX(), e.getY());

            String label = tree.getLabelAtLocation (e.getX(), e.getY());
            if (label != null) {
                Log.println ("find name " + label);
                setRegions (label, null);

//         public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {
//             TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
//             if(path != null && e.getClickCount() == 2)
//                 putNameInPattern ((Label)path.getPathComponent (path.getPathCount ()-1));
//         }

     * Listener invoked when user shift-clicks on the browser pane.
     * Adds a region to the highlighted region set. 

    MouseListener shiftClickListener = new MouseAdapter () {
        public void mousePressed (MouseEvent evt) {
            if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton (evt)) {
                RegionHighlighter highlighter = 
                    (RegionHighlighter) activePane.getHighlighter ();
                Point pt = new Point (evt.getX (), evt.getY ());

                RegionHighlighter.Handle h = highlighter.handleAtPoint (pt);
                if (h != null) {
                    Region r = h.getRegion ();

                    // prepare to move handle of highlighted region
                    Interval i = (Interval) r.crispen ();
                    shiftDragMark = h.isStart () ? i.end : i.start;
                    highlighter.setFeedback (i);

                    setRegions (null, 
                                highlightedRegions.copy ()
                                .delete (r));
                    Log.println ("adjust handle of " + r);
                } else {
                    // prepare to add new region to highlight.
                    // start dragging it out
                    Interval r = activePane.convertPointToRegion (pt);
                    shiftDragMark = r.start;
                    highlighter.setFeedback (r);
                    setRegions (highlightedName, highlightedRegions);
        public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent evt) {
            if (shiftDragMark != -1) {
                RegionHighlighter highlighter = 
                    (RegionHighlighter) activePane.getHighlighter ();
                Interval r = highlighter.getFeedback ();
                highlighter.setFeedback (null);

                if (r != null && r.start != r.end) {
                    Log.println ("highlight " + r);

                    if (highlightedRegions == null)
                        setRegions (null, r);
                    else {
                        setRegions (null, 
                                    highlightedRegions.copy ()
                                    .insert (r));

                shiftDragMark = -1;

    MouseMotionListener shiftDragListener = new MouseMotionAdapter () {
        public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent evt) {
            if (shiftDragMark != -1) {
                Point pt = new Point (evt.getX (), evt.getY ());
                Interval r = activePane.convertPointToRegion (pt);

                Interval s = new Interval (Math.min (shiftDragMark, r.start),
                                           Math.max (shiftDragMark, r.start));

                ((RegionHighlighter) activePane.getHighlighter ())
                    .setFeedback (s);

     * Action invoked when user right-clicks on the browser pane.
     * Pops up a menu showing region set names that coincide with
     * the current selection.
    MouseListener rightClickListener = new MouseAdapter () {
        public void mousePressed (MouseEvent evt) {
            if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton (evt))
                showPopupMenu ((Component)evt.getSource (), evt.getX (), evt.getY ());

    protected void showPopupMenu (Component source, int x, int y) {
        JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu ();
//         menu.add (nameAction);
//         menu.add (nameAsAction);
//         menu.add (unnameAction);
//         menu.addSeparator ();
//         menu.add (possibleTextConstraints (activePane.getSelectedRegion ()));
//         menu.addSeparator ();
//         menu.add (copyAction);

        clickedRegion = activePane.regionAtPoint (new Point (x, y));
        removeHighlightAction.setEnabled (clickedRegion != null);

        menu.add (removeHighlightAction);
        menu.add (removeAllHighlightsAction); (source, x, y);

    JMenu possibleTextConstraints (Region selection) {
        Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();

        // Look for any region containing the selection.
        Region filter = (Region)selection.contains ();

        // Fuzzify filter.
        labels.get (SwingDocument.BACKGROUND).fuzzifyBoundingBox (filter);

        // Scan all the names in the label tree looking for region sets 
        // that intersect filter.
        Vector userNames = new Vector ();
        Region any = (Region)labels.get (SwingDocument.ANY);
        for (Enumeration e = labels.names (); e.hasMoreElements (); ) {
            String name = e.nextElement ().toString ();
            Region r = firstMatchingRegion (name, filter);
            if (r != null
                && !r.equals (any) 
                && !name.startsWith (SwingDocument.SYSTEM))
                userNames.addElement (new NameItem (name, r));
        // FIX: put back sorting rules for (top-level names first,
        // then leaf names, then generalizations)

        // Create a popup menu with the names on it and show it
        JMenu menu = new JMenu ("Text Constraints");
        addItems (menu, userNames);

        return menu;

    void addItems (JMenu menu, Vector names) {
        for (Enumeration e = names.elements (); e.hasMoreElements (); ) {
            Object o = e.nextElement ();
            if (o instanceof JSeparator)
                menu.addSeparator ();
                menu.add ((JMenuItem) o);

    Region firstMatchingRegion (String name, Region r) {
        Labeling labels = getDocument ().getLabeling ();

        RegionSet s = labels.get (name);
        if (s == null)
            return null;
        RegionEnumeration e = s.regions (r);

        Region m = e.first ();
        if (m == null || m.equals (labels.get (lapis.Document.ANY)))
            return null;    // don't return useless names

        return m;

    class NameItem extends JMenuItem {
        String name;
        Region region;

        public NameItem (String name, Region region) {
            super (name.toString ());
   = name;
            this.region = region;

         * When a menu item is selected, highlight the corresponding region
         * set in the document (and set the selection to the corresponding region
         * that includes it).
        public void menuSelectionChanged(boolean isIncluded) {
            super.menuSelectionChanged (isIncluded);
            if (isIncluded) {
                setRegions (null, region);
            else {
                setRegions (null, null);

        public void fireActionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            super.fireActionPerformed (evt);
            //putNameInPattern (name);
            setRegions (name, null);

     * Handle change in user's selection.  Sets the named region SELECTION to the current
     * selection.
    public CaretListener caretListener = new CaretListener () {
        public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) {
            SwingDocument doc = getDocument ();
            if (doc == null)

            Region sel = activePane.getSelectedRegion ();
            //System.err.println ("selection changed to " + sel);
            doc.getLabeling ().put (SwingDocument.SELECTION, sel);

    //////////////////// Scripting

     * Action invoked when user clicks on Script Editor menu item.
     * Pops up a new TCLFileEditor window.
    public Action scriptEditorAction = new AcceleratedAction ("Script Editor") {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            showTclEditor ();

    public void showTclEditor () {
        if (tclEditor == null) {
            tclEditor = new TCLFileEditor (Browser.this);
            PopupDialog.centerWindow (tclEditor, this);
        } else

     * Action invoked by Demonstrate command.
    public Action demonstrateAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Demonstrate", 'D', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            Demonstrator d = new Demonstrator (Browser.this);
            Point p = getLocation ();
            p.translate (50, 50);
            d.setLocation (p);

     * Action invoked by History to Script command.
    public Action historyScriptAction = new AcceleratedAction ("Convert &History to Script", 'H', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
            popupScriptEditor (convertHistoryToScript ());

    public String convertHistoryToScript () {
        History history = getHistory ();
        String script = "";
        for (Enumeration e = history.elements (); e.hasMoreElements (); )
            script += e.nextElement () + "\n";
        return script;

    public void popupScriptEditor (String contents) {
        showTclEditor ();
        if (tclEditor.okToClear ()) {
            tclEditor.setText (contents);
            tclEditor.setFilename (null);

    //////////////////// Text-processing tools

    public void addTool (Tool tool) {
        String description = Toolbox.getToolDescription (tool);
        String name;
        if (description.endsWith (".tcl"))
            // description is a filename; use the basename (deleting
            // directory and .tcl extension)
            name = URLUtil.getBasename (URLUtil.HrefToURL (description));
        else {
            // description is a Java class name; use the base name
            // (deleting the package)
            int lastPeriod = description.lastIndexOf ('.');
            if (lastPeriod > -1)
                name = description.substring (lastPeriod+1);
                name = description;

        Action action = new LoadedToolAction (tool, name);
        toolMenu.add (action);
        toolbar.add (action);
        factory.getInterpreter ().registerTool (name, tool);

    class BrowserArguments extends Arguments {
        String command;

        public BrowserArguments () {
            super (Browser.this.factory);

    abstract class ToolAction extends AcceleratedAction {
        Tool tool;
        BrowserArguments args;
        boolean usesHighlight;

        public ToolAction (Tool tool, String label, boolean usesHighlight) {
            super (label);
            this.tool = tool;
            this.usesHighlight = usesHighlight;

        public abstract BrowserArguments makeArguments ();

        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
            stop ();

            if (usesHighlight && getRegions () == null) {
                getToolkit ().beep ();

            args = makeArguments ();
            if (args == null)

            runStoppableActivity (new RunnableWithExceptions () {
                public void run () throws Exception {
                    lapis.Document result = tool.invoke (args);
                    if (! (result instanceof StatusWriter)) {
                        if (args.command != null)
                            result.putProperty (SwingDocument.CommandProperty, 
                        setDocument (result);

    class LoadedToolAction extends ToolAction {
        public LoadedToolAction (Tool tool, String name) {
            super (tool, name, false);

        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            BrowserArguments args = (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                .add ("doc", getDocument ());
            args.command = getValue (NAME).toString ();
            return args;

    public static String tclQuote (String s) {
        if (Str.indexOfAnyChar (s, " \r\n{}\"\'\\") == -1)
            return s; // no special characters
            return "{" + s + "}";

     * Action invoked by Keep command.  Keeps highlighted regions
     * to create a new document.
    public Action keepAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Keep", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            BrowserArguments args = (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                .add ("outof", (highlightedPattern != null) 
                      ? (Object)TC.make (highlightedPattern).getObjectPattern ()
                      : (Object)highlightedRegions)
                .add ("doc", getDocument ())
            args.command = "keep " + tclQuote (highlightedPattern);
            return args;

     * Action invoked by Delete command.  Deletes out highlighted regions
     * to create a new document.
    public Action deleteAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Delete", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            BrowserArguments args = (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                .add ("doc", getDocument ())
            args.command = "delete " + tclQuote (highlightedPattern);
            return args;

     * Action invoked by Sort command.  Sorts highlighted regions
     * to create a new document, and displays that.
    public Action sortAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Sort", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            SortDialog dialog = new SortDialog ();
            return dialog.args;

    class SortDialog extends OkCancelDialog {

        ButtonGroup keyGroup;
        JRadioButton useEntireRecord;  // use entire record as sort key
        JRadioButton usePattern;       // use specified pattern as sort key
        JTextField keyPattern;
        JComboBox order;            // alphabetic, numeric, etc.        
        JComboBox direction;        // ascending or descending            
        BrowserArguments args;             // null until created by ok()
        public SortDialog () {
            super (Browser.this, "Sort");
            Layout layout = Layout.gridbag (getControlsPane ())
                .setAlignment (Layout.NORTHWEST);

                .add (new JLabel ("Sort Key: "), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .add (useEntireRecord = new JRadioButton ("Full record"))
                .nextRow ()
                .nextColumn ()
                .add (usePattern = new JRadioButton ("Part of record matching: "))
                .nextRow ()
                .nextColumn ()
                .add (keyPattern = new JTextField ())
                .nextRow ();

            keyGroup = new ButtonGroup ();
            keyGroup.add (useEntireRecord);
            keyGroup.add (usePattern);
            useEntireRecord.setSelected (true);

            String yourLanguage = 
                java.util.Locale.getDefault ().getDisplayLanguage ();
            if (yourLanguage.equals (""))
                yourLanguage = "Dictionary";
                .add (new JLabel ("Order: "), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .add (order = new JComboBox (new String[] {
                    yourLanguage, "Numeric", "ASCII", "Random" }),
                .nextRow ();
            order.setEditable (false);

                .add (new JLabel ("Direction: "), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .add (direction = new JComboBox (new String[] {
                    "Increasing", "Decreasing" }), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .nextRow ();
            direction.setEditable (false);
            pack ();

        public void ok () {
            try {
                // Create arguments
                args = (BrowserArguments)new BrowserArguments ()
                    .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                    .add ("doc", getDocument ())
                String tclCommand = "sort " + tclQuote (highlightedPattern);

                if (usePattern.isSelected ()) {
                    TC keys = Browser.makeTCFromTextComponent (keyPattern);
                    args.add ("by", keys);
                    tclCommand += " -by " + tclQuote (keyPattern.getText ());

                boolean reverse = (direction.getSelectedIndex () == 1);

                switch (order.getSelectedIndex ()) {
                case 0: // natural
                    args.addName ("order");
                    if (reverse)
                        args.addValue ("reverse");
                    args.addValue ("dictionary");
                    tclCommand += " -order " + (reverse ? "reverse " : "") + "dictionary";
                case 1: // numeric
                    args.addName ("order");
                    if (reverse)
                        args.addValue ("reverse");
                    args.addValue ("numeric");
                    tclCommand += " -order " + (reverse ? "reverse " : "") + "numeric";
                case 2: // ASCII
                    args.addName ("order");
                    if (reverse)
                        args.addValue ("reverse");
                    args.addValue ("ascii");
                    tclCommand += " -order " + (reverse ? "reverse " : "") + "ascii";
                case 3: // RANDOM
                    args.addName ("order");
                    args.addValue ("random");
                    tclCommand += " -order random";

                args.command = tclCommand;

                super.ok ();
            } catch (TCParseException e) {
                FeedbackForm.showMessageDialog (Browser.this, 
                                                e.getMessage (), 
                                                "Parse Error",
                args = null;

     * Action invoked by Replace command.  Replaces regions
     * to create a new document, and displays that.
    public Action replaceAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Replace", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            ReplaceDialog dialog = new ReplaceDialog ();
            return dialog.args;

    class ReplaceDialog extends OkCancelDialog {

        JTextArea template;
        BrowserArguments args;  // null until created by ok()
        public ReplaceDialog () {
            super (Browser.this, "Replace");
            Layout.gridbag (getControlsPane ())
                .setAlignment (Layout.WEST)
                .add (new JLabel ("Replace With: "), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .nextRow ()
                .add (template = new JTextArea (5, 40));
            pack ();
        public void ok () {
            try {
                // Configure arguments
                args = (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                    .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                    .add ("doc", getDocument ())
                String tclCommand = "replace " + tclQuote (highlightedPattern);

                try {
                    String tmplt = template.getText ();
                    args.add ("replace",
                    tclCommand += " " + tclQuote (tmplt);
                } catch (TCParseException e) {
                    // Select the error, then re-throw the exception
                    selectParseError (template, e);
                    throw e;

                args.command = tclCommand;

                super.ok ();
            } catch (TCParseException e) {
                FeedbackForm.showMessageDialog (Browser.this, 
                                                e.getMessage (), 
                                                "Parse Error",
                args = null;

     * Action invoked by Extract command.  Extracts regions
     * to create a new document, and displays that.
    public Action extractAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Extract", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            ExtractDialog dialog = new ExtractDialog ();
            return dialog.args;

    class ExtractDialog extends OkCancelDialog {

        JTextArea template;
        JComboBox view;             // HTML or text
        BrowserArguments args;  // null until created by ok()
        public ExtractDialog () {
            super (Browser.this, "Extract");
            Layout.gridbag (getControlsPane ())
                .setAlignment (Layout.WEST)
                .add (new JLabel ("View As: "), Layout.FIXED_SIZE)
                .add (view = new JComboBox (), Layout.FIXED_SIZE);
            view.addItem (new ViewType ("Text", "text/plain"));
            view.addItem (new ViewType ("HTML", "text/html"));
                 ((ViewType)Browser.this.view.getSelectedItem ()).contentType);

            pack ();
        public void ok () {
//             try {
                ViewType vt = (ViewType)view.getSelectedItem ();

                // Configure arguments
                args = (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                    .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                    .add ("doc", getDocument ())
                    .add ("as", vt.contentType)
                args.command = "extract " + tclQuote (highlightedPattern) 
                    + " -as " + vt.uiName;

                if ("text/plain".equals (vt.contentType)) {
                    args.add ("endswith", "\n");
                    args.command += " -endswith \\n";
                } else {
                    args.add ("endswith", "<br>");
                    args.command += " -endswith <br>";
//                 try {
//                     tool.template = (template.getText (), warningListener);
//                 } catch (TCParseException e) {
//                     // Select the error, then re-throw the exception
//                     selectParseError (template, e);
//                     throw e;
//                }

                super.ok ();
//             } catch (TCParseException e) {
//                 FeedbackForm.showMessageDialog (Browser.this, 
//                                                 e.getMessage (), 
//                                                 "Parse Error",
//                                                 JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
//                 tool = null;
//             }

     * Action invoked by Sum command.  Sums the highlighted regions and displays
     * the answer in the status bar.
    public Action sumAction = new ToolAction (new (), "Su&m", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            StatusWriter out = new StatusWriter (Browser.this);
            out.print ("Sum is ");
            return (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                        .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                        .add ("doc", getDocument ())
                        .add ("output", out)
                        .add ("function", new ())

     * Action invoked by Average command.  Averages the highlighted regions and displays
     * the answer in the status bar.
    public Action averageAction = new ToolAction (new (), "&Average", true) {
        public BrowserArguments makeArguments () {
            StatusWriter out = new StatusWriter (Browser.this);
            out.print ("Average is ");
            return (BrowserArguments) new BrowserArguments ()
                        .add ("query", highlightedRegions)
                        .add ("doc", getDocument ())
                        .add ("output", out)
                        .add ("function", new ())

	//////////////////// MED: New Menu item for CIS enhancements

     * Action invoked when user selects CIS/Focused Crawl command.
     * Pops up a dialog box for keyword and URL files
    public Action focCrawlAction = new AcceleratedAction ("&Focused Crawl", 'F', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) {
			public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
				FocCrawlDialog dialog = new FocCrawlDialog(Browser.this); ();

    //////////////////// Tool interface for Browser itself

    public Browser make () {
        return new Browser ();

    public lapis.Document invoke (Arguments args) throws Exception {
        boolean startNewBrowser = false;
        Vector commands = new Vector ();

        args.setUsage (
        "Usage: Browser [options] [file/URL]\n"
        + "    file/URL  Go to file/URL\n"
        + "\n"
        + "Options:\n"
        + "    -new      Create a new browser\n"
        + "    -help     Display this message\n"
        while (args.hasMoreElements ()) {
            String name = args.nextName ();
            if ("new".equals (name))
                startNewBrowser = true;
            else if ("log".equals (name))
       (args.nextString ());
            else if (name == null)
                commands.addElement (args.nextString ());
                args.consume (name);
        Browser b = (startNewBrowser && isShowing ()) 
            ? make ()
            : this; ();
        b.toFront ();

        Enumeration cmds = commands.elements ();
        if (cmds.hasMoreElements ()) {
            String s = cmds.nextElement ().toString ();
            if (s.trim ().length () > 0)
                b.eval (s);

            while (cmds.hasMoreElements ()) {
                Point p = b.getLocation ();
                b = new Browser ();
                p.translate (50, 50);
                b.setLocation (p);

                s = cmds.nextElement ().toString ();
                if (s.trim ().length () > 0)
                    b.eval (s);

        return null;

syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.8.12